10:50 AM
An overview of 20 years of accreditation in gamma-ray spectrometry laboratory at Jožef Stefan Institute
Denis Glavič-Cindro
(Jožef Stefam Institute)
11:10 AM
Cross-validation of standardisation techniques at ANSTO using Cobalt-60 and subsequent learnings from the presence of non-gamma emitting impurities
Freda van Wyngaardt
(ANSTO, Australia)
11:30 AM
Calibration of novel transfer standards with new 222Rn emanation sources
Tanita J. Balle
(PTB, Germany)
11:50 AM
A National Inter-Laboratory Comparison for The Activity Measurement of 152Eu Source in Indonesia
Gatot Wurdiyanto
(BRIN, Indonesia)
11:52 AM
Performance evaluation of radon monitors at IFIN-HH, Romania
Ioana Lalau
(IFIN-HH, DRMR/LMRI and University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Romania)
11:55 AM
Proficiency Test for Low and Intermediate Level Radio-assay Laboratories in Taiwan for one decade
Wan-Tzu Hung
(Health Physics Division, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan)
11:57 AM
Inter-laboratory comparison of radionuclide in food in Taiwan
Wei-Han Chu
(Health Physics Division, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan)
12:00 PM
Quality assurance key point for environmental measurements using various techniques: Intercomparisons
Ileana Radulescu
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania)
12:02 PM
Application of High-sensitivity Radon Monitor on Walk-in Type Radon Calibration Chamber at KRISS
Hyun Su Lee
(Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science, South Korea)
Sanghoon Hwang
(KRISS, UST, Republic of Korea)
12:05 PM
Development of a KRISS radon detector for the active ventilation system for radon reduction
Sanghoon Hwang
(KRISS, Republic of Korea)
12:07 PM
IARMA: review of the first ten years and challenges for a next decade
Jasmina Kožar Logar
(Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia)