Quality assurance and proficiency tests: 3 Oral and 8 Poster contributions
- Denis Glavič-Cindro (Jožef Stefam Institute)
- Michel Bruggeman (SCK CEN)
Quality assurance and proficiency tests
Authors: 1. Denis Glavič-Cindro (Jožef Stefan Institute), 2. Matjaž Korun (Jožef Stefan Institute), 3. Toni Petrovič (Jožef Stefan Institute) 4. Branko Vodenik (Jožef Stefan Institute) 5. Benjamin Zorko (Jožef Stefan Institute)
The Laboratory for radioactivity measurements (LMR) at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, was established in 1981. Since then, the measurements with high-resolution...
Two newly implemented primary standardisation techniques (4π(LS)-γ live-timed anti-coincidence and 4π(HPPC)-4πγ) were cross-validated against their respective established laboratory methods (4π(LS)-γ coincidence and analogue 4π(PC)-γ), using Cobalt-60. ANSTO has also recently developed a more robust ionisation chamber measurement and analysis strategy that traces current measurements to the...
Authors: T. J. Ballé 1, S. Röttger 1, F. Mertes 2, P. P. S. Otáhal 3, P. Kovar 4, A. Röttger 1
1: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
2: Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS), Ingolstädter Landstraße 1, 85764 Oberschleißheim, Germany
3: National Institute for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical protection (SUJCHBO, v.v.i), 262...
Authors (affiliation): Hermawan Candra 1, Susilo Widodo 2, Gatot Wurdiyanto 2
1 National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
2 Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology, Indonesia
Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology (PRTKMMN)-National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) had coordinated a national...
Authors (affiliation): Ioana Lalau 1,2, Aurelian Luca 1, Claudia Olaru 1, Constantin Teodorescu 1, Mihail-Razvan Ioan 1
1 Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Romania,
2 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Romania
Uranium decay series represent one of the most significant sources of naturally occurring radioactivity. Starting from 238U,...
Authors (affiliation): 1.Wan-Tzu Hung (INER, Taiwan), 2. Wei-Han Chu (INER, Taiwan), 3.Ming-Chen Yuan (INER, Taiwan)
The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) is recognized by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF)as the main organizer for low and intermediate activity level proficiency tests. The INER is requested to conduct this proficiency test at least every three years,...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Wei-Han Chu (INER,Taiwan) 2. Wan-Tzu Hung (INER,Taiwan) 3. Ming-Chen Yuan (INER,Taiwan).
"Food safety" has been a major issue in Taiwan. Since the events of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster happening on March 11, 2011, the matter of man-made radioactive substances in food and food safety have soon caught Taiwanese attention. Undoubtedly, the correct detection...
Authors (affiliation): Ileana RADULESCU (IFIN-HH, Romania), Antonio Andrei SOFRON (IFIN-HH, Romania), Ciprian Augustin PARLOAGA (IFIN-HH, Romania), Annette RÖTTGER (PTB, Germany), Stefan RÖTTGER (PTB, Germany), Viacheslav MOROSH (PTB, Germany), Marta FUENTE (LSCE-IPSL, France).
The intercomparison exercises and proficiency tests are very important for the laboratories for which the main...
Authors (affiliation): Hyun Su Lee 1, Min Ji Han 1,2, Sanghoon Hwang (corresponding author) 1,2, Byoung-Chul Kim 1, Jong-Man Lee 1,2, and Kyoung Beom Lee 1,2.
1 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Daejeon, 34113, Republic of Korea
2 University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, 34113, Republic of Korea.
A recent increase of public concerns on radon exposure...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Sanghoonn Hwang (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 2. Min Ji Han (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 3. B.C. Kim (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 4. J.Man Lee (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 5.D.H. Heo (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 6. K. B Lee (KRISS, Republic of Korea).
Recently, Radon (Rn-222) and Thoron (Rn-220) made an issue in Republic of Korea, since the mattresses from domestic...
Interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency tests (PT) are an increasingly popular necessity used by laboratories as an external, independent confirmation of the quality of their results. How to find and choose the most appropriate PT, how can the laboratory influence the provider of PTs? And, vice versa: is providing the samples with a known true value and issuing the evaluation report to the...