Authors: S. Pommé (JRC), K. Pelczar (JRC), I. Kajan (PSI), L. Verheyen (SCK CEN), et al.
Science-based decision making crucially depends on the quality of the metrology from which it derives its information. Measurements with incomplete uncertainty budgets can lead to a misinterpretation about the phenomena under investigation, sometimes with fundamental implication in science and policy...
Authors: 1. Christian Balpardo (LMR-CNEA, Argentina), 2. Eliana Depaoli (LMR-CNEA, Argentina), 3. Mario Rossi (LMR-CNEA, Argentina), 4. Pablo Arenillas (LMR-CNEA, Argentina), 5. Clara Ferrari (LMR-CNEA, Argentina).
Several absolute methods were employed for standardization the 65Zn solution received within the context of the CCRI(II)-K2.Zn-65 comparison: a 4 Pi gamma integral counting...
Authors (affiliation): Arūnas Gudelis 1, Petr Kovar 2, Jiri Suran 2, Virginia Peyres 3, Jose Carlos Saez Vergara 3, Lukas Skala 4, Tomas Grisa 4
1 FTMC, Lithuania; 2 CMI, Czech Republic; 3 CIEMAT, Spain; 4 NUVIA, Czech Republic
The first generation of nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities is coming to the end of their working lives. The aim of the decommissioning process is to...
Authors: 1. Denis Glavič-Cindro (Jožef Stefan Institute), 2. Matjaž Korun (Jožef Stefan Institute), 3. Toni Petrovič (Jožef Stefan Institute) 4. Branko Vodenik (Jožef Stefan Institute) 5. Benjamin Zorko (Jožef Stefan Institute)
The Laboratory for radioactivity measurements (LMR) at Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, was established in 1981. Since then, the measurements with high-resolution...
Two newly implemented primary standardisation techniques (4π(LS)-γ live-timed anti-coincidence and 4π(HPPC)-4πγ) were cross-validated against their respective established laboratory methods (4π(LS)-γ coincidence and analogue 4π(PC)-γ), using Cobalt-60. ANSTO has also recently developed a more robust ionisation chamber measurement and analysis strategy that traces current measurements to the...
Authors: T. J. Ballé 1, S. Röttger 1, F. Mertes 2, P. P. S. Otáhal 3, P. Kovar 4, A. Röttger 1
1: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116 Braunschweig, Germany
2: Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS), Ingolstädter Landstraße 1, 85764 Oberschleißheim, Germany
3: National Institute for Nuclear, Biological and Chemical protection (SUJCHBO, v.v.i), 262...
Authors (affiliation): Hermawan Candra 1, Susilo Widodo 2, Gatot Wurdiyanto 2
1 National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
2 Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology, Indonesia
Research Center for Safety, Metrology, and Nuclear Quality Technology (PRTKMMN)-National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) had coordinated a national...
Authors (affiliation): Ioana Lalau 1,2, Aurelian Luca 1, Claudia Olaru 1, Constantin Teodorescu 1, Mihail-Razvan Ioan 1
1 Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH), Romania,
2 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics, Romania
Uranium decay series represent one of the most significant sources of naturally occurring radioactivity. Starting from 238U,...
Authors (affiliation): 1.Wan-Tzu Hung (INER, Taiwan), 2. Wei-Han Chu (INER, Taiwan), 3.Ming-Chen Yuan (INER, Taiwan)
The Institute of Nuclear Energy Research (INER) is recognized by the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF)as the main organizer for low and intermediate activity level proficiency tests. The INER is requested to conduct this proficiency test at least every three years,...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Wei-Han Chu (INER,Taiwan) 2. Wan-Tzu Hung (INER,Taiwan) 3. Ming-Chen Yuan (INER,Taiwan).
"Food safety" has been a major issue in Taiwan. Since the events of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster happening on March 11, 2011, the matter of man-made radioactive substances in food and food safety have soon caught Taiwanese attention. Undoubtedly, the correct detection...
Authors (affiliation): Ileana RADULESCU (IFIN-HH, Romania), Antonio Andrei SOFRON (IFIN-HH, Romania), Ciprian Augustin PARLOAGA (IFIN-HH, Romania), Annette RÖTTGER (PTB, Germany), Stefan RÖTTGER (PTB, Germany), Viacheslav MOROSH (PTB, Germany), Marta FUENTE (LSCE-IPSL, France).
The intercomparison exercises and proficiency tests are very important for the laboratories for which the main...
Authors (affiliation): Hyun Su Lee 1, Min Ji Han 1,2, Sanghoon Hwang (corresponding author) 1,2, Byoung-Chul Kim 1, Jong-Man Lee 1,2, and Kyoung Beom Lee 1,2.
1 Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Daejeon, 34113, Republic of Korea
2 University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, 34113, Republic of Korea.
A recent increase of public concerns on radon exposure...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Sanghoonn Hwang (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 2. Min Ji Han (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 3. B.C. Kim (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 4. J.Man Lee (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 5.D.H. Heo (KRISS, Republic of Korea), 6. K. B Lee (KRISS, Republic of Korea).
Recently, Radon (Rn-222) and Thoron (Rn-220) made an issue in Republic of Korea, since the mattresses from domestic...
Interlaboratory comparisons and proficiency tests (PT) are an increasingly popular necessity used by laboratories as an external, independent confirmation of the quality of their results. How to find and choose the most appropriate PT, how can the laboratory influence the provider of PTs? And, vice versa: is providing the samples with a known true value and issuing the evaluation report to the...
Authors: B. Sabot 1, F. Ogheard 2, P. Cassette 1, M. Hamel 3, P. Gervais 4, C. Fréchou 1, X. Mougeot 1, M. Tbatou 1
Affiliations: 1 CEA/LNE-LNHB, France, 2 LNE-CETIAT, France, 3 CEA/LCAE, France, 4 CEA/SHFJ, France
Radiopharmaceuticals (RPMs) used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes are produced most often in the form of colloidal radioactive solutions. On-site measurement of their...
Authors: Andrew J Fenwick 1,2, Andrew P. Robinson 1, Ana Denis Bacelar 1, Kelley Ferreira 1, Daniel Deidda 1, Warda Heetun 1, Chris Marshall 2,3, Stephen Paisey 2,3, Wil Evans 2,3
Affiliation: 1 National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK, 2 Cardiff University School of Medicine, Cardiff, UK, 3 Wales Research and Diagnostic PET Imaging Centre, Cardiff, Wales
Positron emission tomography...
Effective doses for occupational exposure of workers are estimated as internal and external doses. To properly manage protection for workers, internal contamination and exposure must be well controlled. Radiation workers may be exposed to radioactive materials in their work environment, so exposure must be continuously monitored. In Korea, thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) are designated as...
Calibration of detector systems, traceable to the International System of Units (SI), is at the heart of any reliable measurement. For Nuclear Medicine applications, the knowledge of the amount of substance available in diagnostic or therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals can have a direct effect on patient outcomes. The National Research Council (NRC) of Canada is Canada’s National Metrological...
To assess the measurement capabilities of UK hospitals for commonly used radionuclides, and to identify any key areas of improvement, data has been collected during the routine calibration of hospital radionuclide calibrators. The calibration service operated by the NPL involves hospitals measuring a radioactive source in their calibrator before shipping it to the NPL for standardisation. The...
The provision and dissemination of radioactivity standards within the UK is largely dependent on the suite of ionisation chambers maintained at the NPL. These chambers are vital for underpinning work in the medical, industrial, low level and nuclear data fields. The NPL provides ongoing support for the commercially available secondary standard radionuclide calibrator (SSRC), currently marketed...
The variety of radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine and amount of procedures are constantly growing. The activity of radiopharmaceuticals, which are administered for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, strongly depends on the accuracy of the measuring equipment. According to international recommendations the dosimetry instrumentation should be traceable to a Secondary Standards...
The Radionuclide Metrology (RM) group at ANSTO maintains the Primary Standard for Activity of Radionuclides for Australia. To support measurement accuracy in nuclear medicine, RM develops primary standards for radioisotopes significant for their role in patient imaging and treatment. In particular, Tc-99m, I-131 and Lu-177, which are produced using the Open Pool Australian Lightwater (OPAL)...
Authors (affiliation): Virginia Peyrés 1, Miguel Roteta 1, Marcos Mejuto 1, Nuria Navarro 1, Eduardo Romero 2
1 Laboratorio de Metrología de Radiaciones Ionizantes, CIEMAT, SPAIN;
2 Unidad de Aplicaciones Biomédicas y Farmacocinética, CIEMAT, SPAIN.
177Lu is the first nuclide approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy. It decays by beta...
Authors: Lucrezia Spagnuolo 1,*, Marco Capogni 1, Aldo Fazio 1 and Pierino De Felice 1
Affiliation: 1 Istituto Nazionale di Metrologia delle Radiazioni Ionizzanti (INMRI)-ENEA, C.R. Casaccia - Via Anguillarese 301 I-00123 Roma
The Italian National Institute of Ionizing Radiation Metrology (INMRI) belonging to ENEA and located in the Casaccia Research Centre near Rome, has organized in 2022...
Among the radiations from 212Bi sources, Rutherford and Woods noted in 1916 a few particles whose range is markedly more than the 8.6 cm range of the well-known 8.78437-MeV alpha-particle emissions from 212Po to 208Pb. A small fraction of the excited 212Po nuclei will undergo alpha decay directly from an excited level, due to the partial half-life for alpha decay is comparable with that for...
The extended international reference system (ESIR) is being developed by the BIPM. The objective is to create a specific instrument for comparing primary standards of almost pure alpha and beta emitters and low-energy electron capture decaying radionuclides, for which gamma emission is inexistent or extremely low. The measuring device is based on the liquid scintillation counting technique...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Hiroki Hashimoto (Hirosaki Univ., Japan), 2. Ryohei Yamada (Hirosaki Univ., Japan), 3. Kouichi Sasaki (JNFL, Japan), 4. Kanna Yamaguchi (JNFL, Japan), 5. Yasutaka Omori (Hirosaki Univ., Japan), 6. Masahiro Hosoda (Hirosaki Univ., Japan), 7. Shinji Tokonami (Hirosaki Univ., Japan).
Early detection of the abnormal release of artificial radionuclides from nuclear...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Maksym Luchkov (PTB, Germany), 2. Claudia Olaru (IFIN-HH, Romania), 3. Annika Klose (LUH-IRS, Germany), 4. Ioana Lalau (IFIN-HH, Romania), 5. Andrei Antohe (IFIN-HH, Romania), 6. Mastaneh Zadehrafi (IFIN-HH, Romania), 7. Clemens Walther (LUH-IRS, Germany), 8. Mihail-Razvan Ioan (IFIN-HH, Romania), 9. Faton Krasniqi (PTB, Germany)
The optical detection of alpha...
The procedure followed by the Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at the Nuclear and Energy Research Institute (IPEN-CNEN/SP), in São Paulo, Brazil, for the primary standardization of a (243Am + 239Pu) solution is described. 243Am decays almost 100% by alpha transitions (with a very small branch, 10-9 %, of spontaneous fission), to 239Np with a Q value of 5438.8 keV, and a half-life of 7367...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Justyna Marganiec-Gałązka (POLATOM, Poland), 2. Ewa Kołakowska (POLATOM, Poland), 3. Edyta Lech (POLATOM, Poland), 4. Anna Listkowska (POLATOM, Poland), 5. Paweł Saganowski (POLATOM, Poland), 6. Zbigniew Tymiński (POLATOM, Poland), 7. Tomasz Ziemek (POLATOM, Poland)
Tin-113 decays by electron capture to three excited levels of In-113: 1029.73 keV - 0.00103%,...
Radioactive noble gases and tritium are emitted from nuclear reactors when electricity is produced, accidents occur and as the result of nuclear weapons testing or use and hence are of great interest to the nuclear forensics communities. In addition, some radioactive noble gases serve critical medical functions, as is the case of Xe-133 in the diagnostic imaging for certain lung cancers. The...
Authors: 1. M.L. Smith, 2. W.M. van Wyngaardt, 3. A.H.H. Bowan, 4. C.M.B. Keevers, 5. M. Zarifi and 6. E.L. Clark (all from ANSTO)
Radionuclides have been standardized by 4π(PC)-γ coincidence counting at ANSTO using an atmospheric pressure proportional counter (PC) with conventional analogue electronics since the 1970s. The ANSTO Radionuclide Metrology (RM) group extended this capability by...
In 1988 LMRI from IFIN-HH carried out the first measurements of Cd-109 standardization within an international comparison organized by BIPM. The measurements were performed using the 4π(PC)ce-NaI(Tl)X coincidence counting and Ge(Li) γ-ray spectrometer.
This paper presents the results obtained by LMRI, IFIN-HH of Cd-109 standardization using two methods within the scope of an international...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Agung Agusbudiman (UST, South Korea), 2. Kyoung Beom Lee (KRISS, South Korea), 3. Jong Man Lee (KRISS, South Korea), 4. Sang Hoon Hwang (KRISS, South Korea), 5. Byoung Chul Kim (KRISS, South Korea).
The copper-64 (64Cu) is one of the important radiopharmaceuticals used in nuclear medicine. The nature of its decay through three different modes, β+, β-, and electron...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Ken-ich Mori (Kindai Univ., Japan), 2. Takahiro Yamada (Kindai Univ., Japan), 3. Yasushi Sato (NMIJ/AIST, Japan), 4. Kotaro Nagatsu (QST, Japan), 5. Hidetoshi Kikunaga (Tohoku Univ., Japan).
Recently, 225Ac has been proposed for Targeted Alpha Therapy. In such medical applications and studies, quantitative activity measurements for evaluating the accumulation of...
Monte Carlo (MC) simulations are a useful tool in benchmarking a range of calibration services, from confirming ionization chamber calibration factors to aiding the development of novel calibration systems. Different MC programs can be more tuned towards different applications and user populations. However, due to the difference in the underlying physics and transport mechanisms, different MC...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Minji Han (KRISS, South Korea, UST, South Korea), 2. Sanghoon Hwang (KRISS, South Korea, UST, South Korea), 3. A. Agusbudiman (KRISS, South Korea, UST, South Korea, BATAN, Indonesia), 4. J.M. Lee (KRISS, South Korea, UST, South Korea), 5. K.B. Lee (KRISS, South Korea, UST, South Korea), 6. B.C. Kim (KRISS, South Korea), 7. D.H. Heo (KRISS, South Korea).
Due to a constant demand for standards of the radionuclide 125I, LNHB and PTB decided to verify their calibration capabilities by means of a bilateral comparison to determine the activity concentration of the same 125I solution. As electron-capture radionuclide with a rather high atomic number, 125I must be regarded as difficult to measure. The situation is partly exacerbated by the fact that...
The selective sampling method (SESAM) was proposed by Müller from the BIPM, as an alternative to the β-γ coincidence counting. The SESAM does not need to introduce a coincidence resolving time during which accidental coincidences could be recorded. Correcting of these accidental coincidences is the trickiest part of β-γ coincidence counting. Compare to coincidence or anticoincidence...
Technetium-99m, the short-lived metastable nuclear isomer of Tc-99 is one of the most relevant medical radionuclides world-wide, due to its extensive use in medical imaging and functional studies of various organs. Nevertheless, from a metrological point of view, the absolute standardization of Tc-99m is far from straightforward due to its short half-life and its low energy conversion electron...
Authors: 1. M. Teresa Durán (IRA, Switzerland) 2. Youcef Nedjadi (IRA, Switzerland) 3. Frédéric Juget (IRA, Switzerland) 4. CLaude Bailat (IRA, Switzerland)
Digital electronic systems for primary activity measurement methods are gaining ground in the reference laboratories all over the radionuclide metrology community. A wide range of alternatives is available on the market and the choice...
Authors: 1. Rio Furukawa (NMIJ, Japan), 2. Miroslaw Janik (NIRS, Japan), 3. Satoshi Kodaira (NIRS, Japan), 4. Seiya Manabe (NMIJ, Japan), 5. Tetsuro Matsumoto (NMIJ, Japan), 6. Chihiro Shimodan (NMIJ, Japan), 7. Yasushi Sato (NMIJ, Japan), 8. Hideki Harano (NMIJ, Japan).
Radon (Rn-222) and its progeny is regarded as the largest contributor to an effective dose for the public...
Authors: Boxue Liu, Richard Britton, Seokryung Yoon, Ashley Vaughan Davies, Nikolaus Hermanspahn, Gohla Herbert, Jonathan Bare, Peter Jansson, Martin Kalinowski
Affiliation: CTBTO, Vienna, Austria
The current address is Swedish Defence Research Agency, Stockholm, Sweden
The accurate measurement of radioxenon isotopes plays an important role in the radionuclide component of the...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Robert Shearman (NPL, UK), 2. Séan M. Collins (NPL, UK / University of Surrey, UK), 3. John D. Keightley (NPL, UK).
Cadmium-109 is one of the most challenging radionuclides to standardise; the pure electron capture decay from the ground state (I pi = 5/2+; T1/2 = 461.9 a) populates one delayed (I pi = 7/2+; T1/2 = 39.7 s) state only, followed by an 88.0 keV gamma...
Authors (affiliation): Emma Braysher (NPL, UK), Heather Thompkins (NPL, UK), Saskia Burke (NPL, UK), Hibaaq Mohamud (NPL, UK), Frankie Falksohn (NPL, UK).
A number of long-lived radionuclides suffer from half-life measurements that are outdated, have inconsistencies in the values obtained and/or limitations with regards to the uncertainty budget. When used in combination with absolute...
The efficiency calibration of spectrometers is traditionally based on the measurement of radioactive sources calibrated in activity and whose emission intensities are known. However, in the energy range below 60 keV, there is a lack of reliable tabulated emission intensities and some inconsistencies have been highlighted [1]. Furthermore, if one aims to improve the measurement of emission...
Authors: 1. M.W. van Rooy (NMISA, South Africa), 2. M. Herranz (UPV/EHU, SPAIN),
3. R. Idoeta (UPV/EHU, SPAIN), 4. L. Verheyen (SCK CEN, Belgium), 5. M. Bruggeman (SCK CEN, Belgium), 6. M. Lepy (LNE-LNHB, France), 7. S. Pierre (LNE-LNHB, France), 8. P. Saganowski (NCNR RC POLATOM, Poland), 9. A. Luca (IFIN-HH, Romania)
Metrologically sound analyses of radioactivity of samples requires that...
Following a nuclear or radiological event, radiation protection authorities and other decision-makers need rapid and credible information about the affected areas based on reliable radiological data. However, the potentially large areas and risks to people in the vicinity pose difficult measurement challenges.
Therefore, European joint research project “Metrology for Mobile Detection of...
Neutron sources have been in use for quite some time, and the need for accurate account for nuclear material especially Plutonium and Uranium is necessary for IAEA safety and safeguards. Following recent events there has been special need to know how much Plutonium or Americium are present in old sources that are scattered around the world in the form of Pu-Be neutron sources. Isotopic content...
The computation of the FEP efficiency is widely used because the relative method of measurement has severe restrictions. The MC simulation of photon transport is the reference method of computing the FEP efficiency but it is rather complicate, time consuming and requires skilled people for determining optimal detector parameters.Hence, it is not convenient its use for many different source...
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation models implemented as computer codes are widely used for computing the full-energy peak (FEP) efficiency of gamma spectrometry (GS) systems. Their calibration is an important step in obtaining the traceability of GS measurements that employ computed values of the FEP efficiency. The input of MC models consist of model variables (e.g. photon energy) ...
In gamma-ray spectrometry the analysis of low-energy gamma-emitting nuclides like 210Pb, 129I needs special attention because the gamma attenuation in the sample depends on the specific element composition of the sample material. Hence, a material- or sample-specific self-attenuation correction is necessary. For that purpose, attenuation correction procedures have been developed in the past...
Authors: M.-C. Lépy 1, L. Chambon 1, B. Sabot 1, M. Anagnostakis 2, A. De Vismes 3, R. Galea 4, R. Idoeta 5, P. Jodlowski 6, K. Karfopoulos 7, A. Meyer 3, I. Mitsios 2, V. Peyres 8, P. Saganowski 9, N. Salpadimos 7, M.I. Savva 10, O. Sima 11, T.T. Thanh 12, R. Townson 4, Z. Tymiński 9, T. Vasilopoulou 10, L. Verheyen 13, T. Vidmar 13
Affiliations: 1: LNHB, 2: NTUA, 3: IRSN, 4: NRC, 5:...
The detection limit (DL) is the smallest value of the measurand which can be detected with a predefined probability. In terms of the indication, which is in gamma-ray spectrometry the number of counts in a peak occurring at an energy where the analyte radiates, the indication corresponding to the DL, np#, is the solution of the equation [1]
(np#- np)2=k1-β2[ur2(W)+u2(np= np#)] , ()
Authors (affiliation): 1. Rita Plukienė (FTMC), 2. Elena Lagzdina (FTMC), 3. Darius Germanas (FTMC), 4. Kristina Mikalauskienė (FTMC), 5. Marina Konstantinova (FTMC), 6. Artūras Plukis (FTMC), 7. Arūnas Gudelis (FTMC), 8. Vidmantas Remeikis (FTMC)
One of important tasks for smooth and successful nuclear power plant (NPP) decommissioning process is optimization of nuclear facility metallic...
Authors (affiliation): Callum L. Grove (UKAEA, UK), Chantal R. Nobs (UKAEA, UK), Lee W. Packer (UKAEA, UK), Nicola Fonnesu (ENEA, Italy), Ewa Łaszyńska (IPPLM, Poland), Jerzy W. Mietelski (IFJ, Poland), Mario Pillon (ENEA, Italy), Marilia I. Savva (NCSRD, Greece), Ion E. Stamatelatos (NCSRD, Greece), Anthony Turner (UKAEA, UK), Theodora Vasilopoulou (NCSRD, Greece), Rosaria Villari (ENEA,...
Authors: Miroslav Hýža 1, Lenka Dragounová 1, Mahulena Kořistková 1
Affiliation: 1 National Radiation Protection Institute (NRPI), Czech Republic
For atmospheric radioactivity monitoring, the emphasis is on two conflicting requirements: sensitivity, and timeliness of reported results. This paper describes a sensitive method for quick screening measurements of aerosol filters, using a HPGe...
Authors: M.-C. Lépy 1, C. Thiam 1, M. Anagnostakis 2, C. Cosar 3, A. De Blas del Oyo 4, H. Dikmen 5, M.A. Duch 4, R. Galea 6, M.L. Ganea 3, M. Hult 7, S. Hurtado 8, K. Karfopoulos 9, A. Luca 3, G. Lutter 7, I. Mitsios 2, H. Persson 9, C. Potiriadis 10, S. Röttger 11, N. Salpadimos 10 M.I. Savva 12, O. Sima 3,13, T.T. Thanh 14, R. Townson 6, A. Vargas 4, T. Vasilopoulou 12, L. Verheyen 15, T....
Coincidence-summing effects play a significant role in present-day gamma ray spectrometry. The evaluation of the corresponding correction factors (FC) and of the associated uncertainties is an important issue for the Gamma-Ray Spectrometry Working Group (GSWG) of the ICRM, being the subject of several intercomparisons.
In this work the uncertainties and the covariance matrix of the FC...
Measurement of 222Rn activity in water is important in many fields such as dosimetry, radiation protection, geology and volcanology. Various methods were developed to measure radon-in-water, namely: emanometry, gamma–ray spectrometry (GS), liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and track-etch techniques. Despite the importance of these measurement techniques, their long history and wide scale...
Authors (affiliation): Simona Zaharov (SNN-Cernavoda NPP, Romania; UPB, Romania),
L. Samson, A. Nedelcu, V. Tudorache (SNN-Cernavoda NPP, Romania)
Tritium can be found in several forms, such as gaseous (HT, HTO), liquid (HTO or organic molecules in solution) or organically bound tritium (OBT), which can become incorporated into living organisms (vegetables, animals, humans). The...
Environmental radioactivity monitoring activities are being strengthened owing to concerns about radiation pollution. Therefore, various research laboratories, institutes, and universities are conducting environmental radiation investigations around nuclear power plants (NPPs). However, the reliability of the results continues to trigger controversy in society.
This study was conducted to...
Activated carbon is widely used for short-term (few days) radon sampling with consequent measurement of the adsorbed activity by liquid scintillation counting or gamma-spectrometry. This is a bulk material that can hardly be coupled with external detectors acquiring signal during exposure (e. g. solid state nuclear track detectors, semiconductor or scintillation detectors). The use of...
A new soil reference material (RM) to improve the quality assurance and quality control of the gamma radioactivity measurement in environmental samples was developed by the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS). Depending on the user's request, the type and specific radioactivity of radionuclides to be included in the soil RM can be selected. In this study, the homogenized...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Sang-Han Lee (KRISS, Rep of Korea), 2. Y. Jung (KRISS, Rep of Korea), 3. M.J. Lee (KRISS, Rep of Korea), 4. C. H. Lee (NDRI, Rep of Korea).
A metal wastes such as pipes, pumps and valves generated in large quantities in the operation of nuclear power plant and during the decommissioning process. In order to dispose of these metal wastes, it is announced that the...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Denis E. Bergeron (NIST, USA), 2. Richard Essex (NIST, USA), 3. Svetlana Nour (NIST, USA), 4. Gordon A. Shaw (NIST, USA), 5. R. Michael Verkouteren (NIST, USA), 6. Ryan P. Fitzgerald (NIST, USA).
The aspirating pycnometer method for gravimetric preparation of radioactive sources routinely achieves relative mass uncertainties ≈ 0.05 % when several 10 mg to 25 mg...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Gatot Wurdiyanto (PRTSMMN – BRIN, Indonesia), 2. Aslina Br. Ginting (PRTDBBNLR – BRIN, Indonesia), 3. Hermawan Candra (PRTSMMN – BRIN, Indonesia), 4. Boybul (PRTDBBNLR – BRIN, Indonesia), 5. Arif Nugroho (PRTDBBNLR – BRIN, Indonesia), 6. Yanlinastuti (PRTDBBNLR – BRIN, Indonesia), 7. Erlina Noerpitasari (PRTDBBNLR – BRIN, Indonesia).
Since 2002, the Multi-Purpose...
Authors (affiliation): 1 Yasushi Sato (NMIJ, AIST, Japan), 2 Takahiro Kikuchi (DTRI, AIST, Japan), 3 Ryan Smith (The University of Tokyo, Japan), 4 Akira Sato (DTRI, AIST, Japan), 5 Fuminori Hirayama (DTRI, AIST, Japan), 6 Hisashi Nakagawa (NMIJ, AIST, Japan), 7 Tomoya Irimatugawa (NMIJ, AIST, Japan), 8 Rio Furukawa (NMIJ, AIST, Japan), 9 Chihiro Shimodan (NMIJ, AIST, Japan), 10 Hideki Harano...
During decommissioning, the initial cartography of all surfaces is crucial for identifying potential future waste based on its radiation level. Contamination detectors should be calibrated in terms of emission flux or using suitable surface sources. Current standard sources, complying with ISO 8769 (Reference Sources-Calibration of Surface Contamination Monitors), lack...
In the Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) method in Liquid Scintillation Counting, the detection efficiency is calculated from the value of a free parameter describing the intrinsic light yield of the counting system. This model is generally based on a Poisson distribution of the number of photoelectrons detected: if an energy E is transferred to the liquid scintillator, an average of m...
This paper presents the results obtained with two primary techniques (4pibeta-gamma and TDCR methods) in the case of the activity standardization of two ߯ emitters (60Co and 106Ru/106Rh). In particular, the impact of the calculated ß-spectra implemented for the activity calculation with the TDCR statistical model is addressed.
Cobalt-60 (T½ ~ 5.2711 (8) a) disintegrates by ߯ emission to...
Authors and affiliations: R. Broda 1, T. Ziemek 1, J. Marganiec-Gałązka 1, M. Czudek 1, K. Kossert 2, A. Listkowska 1, E. Lech 1, Z. Tymiński 1
1 NCBJ Radioisotope Centre POLATOM, A. Sołtana 7, 05-400 Otwock, Poland
2 Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Bundesallee 100, 38116, Braunschweig, Germany
The applications of an alpha emitter 225Ac in targeted cancer therapy are being...
A solution of Ac-225 was standardized by NRC using the triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) method. The counting efficiencies were calculated assuming a counting efficiency of 100% for alpha decays and those calculated using the MICELLE2 monte carlo code for beta decays and was approximately 500% for the NRC TDCR system. The relative uncertainty for the activity concentration was...
In 2020, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) reported on a primary activity standardization of 224Ra in equilibrium with its progeny. Subsequently, measurements of the absolute emission intensity for its main gamma ray were reported in the contexts of a bilateral comparison with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL). More recently, NIST has standardized 212Pb in...
Caesium-137 is a non-naturally occurring fission product, in particular one of the many radionuclides produced in uranium-based nuclear reactors. It decays through β- transitions, populating both the ground state and the first two excited states of 137Ba. With a half-life of approximately 30 years, and a well-known and intense 662 keV gamma-ray emission, this radionuclide is relatively easy to...
The short-lived (T1/2 = 26.801(2) h) beta- - emitting radionuclide has been investigated for a wide range of therapeutic medical applications over the past several decades (c.f., Klaassen et al 2019). The safe and effective use of these types of radionuclides for therapy requires accurate dose assessments, which in turn require the most accurate nuclear decay data as input to the calculations....
The triple to double coincidence ratio (TDCR) liquid scintillation measurement technique is commonly used in national metrology institutes (NMIs) to perform standardization of pure beta emitters. LNE-LNHB has developed two new portable TDCR devices. Such portable instrumentation gives end-users access to a reference measurement method that can be used for a large number of radionuclides. It...
Authors (affiliation): Denis E. Bergeron 1, Jeffrey T. Cessna 1, Ryan P. Fitzgerald 1, Lizbeth Laureano-Pérez 1, Leticia Pibida 1, Brian E. Zimmerman 1
Gadolinium-153 decays 100 % by electron capture to several excited levels of Eu-153.Applications in nuclear medicine and in gamma-ray spectrometry calibrations require improved nuclear decay data for Gd-153.Several studies...
Gallium-68 is a short lived (T1/2 = 67.83 (20) min), positron-emitting radionuclide that is commonly used in the diagnosis of prostate cancer via positron emission tomography (PET), along with other diagnostic techniques. Due to its medical relevance, the accuracy of its half-life is of great importance.
There have been at least 12 determinations of the 68Ga half-life, occurring from...
Authors (affiliation): Paul Malfrait (IRSN, France), Jérôme Bobin (CEA, France), Anne de Vismes-Ott (IRSN, France).
In the context of environment surveillance, more precisely in the framework of the air monitoring, we aim at (i) reducing the time between the sampling and the detection of radionuclides in the samples and (ii) get a precise estimation of the activity in the sample we analyse...
Authors: Begoña Quintana 1, María Zurrón 1, David Borrego-Alonso 1, Nuria Navarro 2, Eduardo García-Toraño 2
Affiliation: 1 Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, 2 CIEMAT, Spain.
14C dating of actual marine records as shells gives an essential insight in the CO2 Ocean intake, which has a crucial impact on the greenhouse effect and, therefore, in the global climate change. Shells are mainly...
Besides applications for radiation safety purposes in routine and accidental situations, monitoring of natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in atmospheric aerosols and deposition can provide valuable information on atmospheric processes, climate change and atmosphere-ocean fluxes. In addition to a time-series of measurements of radionuclide specific activities in atmospheric aerosols and in...
Authors: 1. Stefan Röttger (PTB, Germany), 2. Annette Röttger (PTB, Germany), 3. Tanita Ballé (PTB, Germany), 4. Claudia Grossi (UPC, Spain), 5. Ute Karstens (Lunds Universitet, Sweden), 6. Giorgia Cinelli (ENEA, Italy), 7. Chris Rennick (NPL, Great Britain)
Radon gas is the largest source of public exposure to naturally occurring radioactivity, and concentration maps based on atmospheric...
Authors: Dirk Arnold 1, Ben Russell 2, Tea Zuliani 3, Valérie Lourenço 4, Betül Ari 5,Simon Jerome 6
1 PTB, Braunschweig, Germany, 2 NPL, Teddington, UK, 3 JSI, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 4 Université Paris-Saclay, CEA List, LNE-LNHB, Palaiseau, France, 5 TÜBİTAK, Ankara, Turkey, 6 NMBU, Ås, Norway
The European Green Deal’s ambition for zero pollution requires the development of highly sensitive...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Inés Llopat Babot (SCK CEN, Belgium), 2. Mirela Vasile (SCK CEN, Belgium), 3. Andrew Dobney (SCK CEN, Belgium), 4. Ben Russell (NPL, UK), 5. Svetlana Kolmogorova (NPL, UK), 6. Sven Boden (SCK CEN, Belgium), 7. Michel Bruggeman (SCK CEN, Belgium), 8. Martine Leermakers (VUB, Belgium), 9. Jixin Qiao (DTU, Denmark), 10. Valdir de Souza (SCK CEN, Belgium), 11. Alex...
Authors (affiliation): I. Dimitrova (SU, Bulgaria), K. Mitev (SU, Bulgaria), S. Georgiev (SU, Bulgaria), V. Todorov (SU, Bulgaria), Z. Daraktchieva (UKHSA, UK), C B Howarth (UKHSA, UK), J. M. Wasikiewicz (UKHSA, UK), Benoit Sabot (LNE-LNHB, France).
Recently, affordable and sensitive continuous radon monitors became available at the market. They could open the doors to new approaches for...
Authors (affiliation): 1. Tomislav Ilievski (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia), 2. Luka Bakrač (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia), 3. Nikola Marković (Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Sweden), 4. Damir Bosnar (Faculty of Science, Universtiy of Zagreb, Croatia), 5. Ivana Tucaković (Ruđer Bošković Institute, Croatia).
As a part of RiChFALL project,...
Authors (affiliation): Hugues Paradis (CEA, France), Anthony Der Mesrobian-Kabakian (CEA, France), Antoine Cagniant (CEA, France), Olivier Delaune (CEA, France), Charles Philippe Mano (CEA, France), Luc Patryl (CEA, France)
Underground or underwater nuclear tests can eventually lead to radioxenon releases in the atmosphere. In this scope, the verification regime of the Comprehensive nuclear...